Personal Mentoring and Coaching

Do you have all the pieces for a harmonious life?

Personal Mentors


Clive Smallman is an experienced business and life coach, with 40 years walking alongside all sorts of people in all types of businesses of all sizes


Chris Freeman is the Founder and Lead Coach of Design a Decade. He developed the program and has been coaching on it for 20 years. Chris supports Clive’s clients with advice on investment.

Trusted Professionals

Not everyone is the same and sometimes there is more going on in your world! The Design a Decade Personal Coaching incorporates the same learning and support as the School but adds another level of support to your journey with direct access to a personal mentor and coach.

Life is like a Business – but More Complex

Your life has income, expenditure, human resources, capital acquisitions, property maintenance, investment strategy, conflict resolution, health and safety. To be successful, businesses must have principles and systems to contain the instinct and response of their staff. Life is the same – we need principles and systems to contain our impulsive instinct and responses. If you follow the principles to ‘design your next decade of life’, you will go a long way toward building your future on great fundamentals. As the increasing weight of life appears you will be well-equipped to handle it.

Examples of people already setting up life with the support of a personal mentor or coach include those who are building their family, building their career and building their wealth creation portfolio at the same time. Maybe you are single, a young couple or an established family, but trying to do multiple life-changing events at the same time is taking its toll. So are you:

  • Heading towards having a young family;

  • Heading towards the weight of raising teenagers;

  • Self-employed in business or as a practice;

  • Building your investment portfolio; or

  • Purchasing, upgrading or developing your home?

Can you have a great lifestyle today and set up for the future at the same time? ABSOLUTELY!

What’s your next step?

A trusted space for your personal growth

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